
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Weblog #5: Citizenship Editorial

Obama, Bring our troops home now!

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are immoral, unjustified and unaffordable.
This is what’s going on there:
Operation Iraqi Freedom:
US Military Casualties: 4,408. (KIA: 3483; WIA: 31,935)
Civilian Casualties: 13 (KIA: 9)
Troops remaining in Iraq: 50,000
Operation Enduring Freedom  
US Military Casualties: 1,298 (KIA: 1,065; WIA: 9,469)
Civilian Casualties: 2 (KIA: 1)
Troops in Afghanistan: 95,000

Total US Military deaths Iraq and Afghanistan as of November 23rd 2010: 5,706.

Source: Department of Defense.

          The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which have the war in terror as context and excuse to be funded and implemented, no longer have a moral, logical, tactical or economical justification to continue, therefore, President Obama must order the removal of all the troops currently operating there.
          Since George W. Bush left office on January 20, 2009 it was clear to everyone that the war in Iraq was a big mistake and Obama had promised during his campaign to bring all the troops back home and end the war. Instead, he is keeping a substantial number of troops in Iraq and increased the operations in Afghanistan with the excuse to fight Al-Qaida and bring democracy and prosperity to the region.
          The result so far has been a large number of civilian and military casualties and the rejection of the American interventionism by the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.
          If the goal is to destroy Al-Qaida, the only rational way is to do it within its structure by infiltrating its inner circle. The current strategy is like killing flies with cannon destroying everything around. The only people obtaining a benefit from these wars are the defense contractors, and that brings a lot of troubling questions to the morality and justification of these wars. Where is the “change” that we were promised?

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